After twenty years in traditional publishing, Michael Prescott found himself out of work, his career apparently over. On a whim, he began releasing his older titles and some new novels in ebook form. Much to his surprise, his books landed on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists, finding a wide new audience.

Contact info
You can reach me at
I recently started a Substack, "Michael Prescott: Chaos Come Again". It covers whatever's on my mind — except politics. I've finally learned to steer clear of that minefield.
My blog, though inactive now, contains many old posts, focusing mainly on evidence for life after death, which is also the subject of my novella Chasing Omega and my nonfiction books The Far Horizon and Life & Aftelife. Check it out at
I've also got a Facebook page.
The online bibliography for my novella Chasing Omaga is archived here. (Some links may have expired.)